Saturday, September 24, 2011

Disposing of wasted restaurant food enviorenmentally

This post is again for those who have organic waste service in their cities/countries.

When you eat at a restaurant and cannot finish your meal, the restaurant you eat at won't necessarily have organic waste disposal just because it's available in your town/city/country.

If that is the case, request a box to take home the rest of the food as most restaurants usually have that facility of boxing your food to take home.

Once you take it home you can finish the remaining food or dispose of it in the organic waste. This will reduce food waste. Also if possible request the restaurant to start an organic waste facility for all food waste.

To be more favorable to the environment, it is encouraged that you keep the paper box from the restaurant to be used again instead of throwing it in the garbage.

Keeping covers of metal cans on when throwing them

For those who have recycling services in their cities/countries, before throwing away a metal can after use, keep the can cap on.
Metal cans for food and pet food have caps on them and require a can opener to cut and remove them.

With he can opener you can cut open the cover and completely detach it from the can or keep it together at the edge as pictured below:

This way when you throw away the cans for recycling the covers can also be thrown. If thrown separately they are useless by themselves and will be thrown into the garbage. This will only add to waste so it is best to keep the can covers attached to the cans to be recycled along with the cans.

Buying organic products to support the organic farming industry

Always consuming only organic food is not always beneficial to the health or the environment; especially vegetarian foods. However other certain foods such as meat are not very healthy when bought processed.
Some readers will already know that organic products can be more expensive as it takes longer to prepare for the food market than regular processed food.

But when you have many people purchasing a certain service or product, it's price is likely to decline. Buying organic animal products such as milk, meat and eggs is not only healthier but also more humane.
Processed meat especially those found in fast food are extremely unhealthy and require the animals to grow fast in order to be slaughtered or milked within the required time limit.

This in turn requires a restriction of the animal's movement in order to stop them from burning fat and loosing weight. Animals suffer in such miserable conditions and neither is the quality of animal products they produce.

In order to support organic farming and hopefully reduce the prices of organic animal farming, try and purchase organic animal foods. Organic food products are usually marked in their appropriate labels as seen in the image below:

Such labels are found on packaged food that is organic. In other instances you may see the organic labels on the shelf of the food if not on the packages themselves. Organic meat, eggs, milk etc. may cost a little more but if you truly value your good health and believe in humane, environmental farming then the slightly higher cost is worth it.

Additionally as mentioned, purchasing organic food will support the practice and hopefully reduce the prices of organic farming.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Using up tissue papers and paper towels to the fullest

Tissue papers and paper napkins are usually thrown into waste when used just once. Even though they can be used several times before being thrown away.

Once you use a tissue paper to wipe your hands or your nose, fold it and use the other side. Make sure both sides are thoroughly used before being thrown away.

This way you can produce less waste each time and do good for the environment.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cleaning out food cans before recycling them

As mentioned in my previous posts, not all countries have recycling services, public or private though things may be changing worldwide.
When using up a drinking can (ie. Pepsi can), there is little liquid left inside since the drink itself is usually not sticky.

However, using a can containing solid food substance has stains covering almost the entire can form the inside. Food cans weather containing beans or pet food or any other are solid substances and extremely dense, sticking tightly to the cans on the inside.

This leaves it unclean when opened and emptied. Many people (including myself) choose to throw it in the garbage because of this. The way to throw the can in recycling waste is to first clean it out. This process is quick and easy.

Once emptied, simply place a few drops of liquid soap and fill the can with water for one day or one night. After the day or night goes by, empty the water into the sink and the can will be mostly free of stayed, ready to be disposed of into the recycling bin.