Sunday, July 22, 2012

Using acrylic food covers instead of plastic food wrap

Pictured above is what many people use to wrap and store unfinished food. But the problem is once used, this plastic wrap is thrown away into the garbage and not recyclable. Also when these wraps are used, users will have to keep buying new ones to replace them.

The solution to this is to use acrylic food covers because they can be used again and again and do not get thrown away. Acrylic food covers can come in glass or plastic like the ones pictured below:

By using acrylic covers instead of plastic wrap you do not produce waste and save money.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Avoid buying wooden products unless recycled and possible alternates to them

Most people buy wooden products while ignoring the fact that they came from cut down trees. These products vary from wooden toys to furniture. At many times people don't have to buy these. You can survive without them.

If you need furniture, try to buy shelves or tables or whatever you need of metal or solid plastic. This way you do not support a the logging industry which comes from deforestation and destruction of natural habitat.

Unless the wooden item shows it is from recycled wood, then don't buy it. You are strongly encouraged to buy a metallic or plastic equivalent of the wooden product(s) you intended to buy.

Below are some examples of the non-wooden items I recommend:

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Underline your textbooks with pencils instead of highliting them with markers/highlighters

For those of you who are in college or university and highlight the textbooks you bought, you probably won't be able to sell them back because they are highlighted and cannot be removed. Pictured below is what I mean:

Once there is highlight on it, the bookstores most likely won't buy them back because of this. But if you use pencil to underline important text, you can later erase if after your course(s) is over and sell it back to the college or university bookstore.

By selling back books, you get them resold, reused and recycled. But if you highlight it, you can only use it once and may have to keep it, thus wasting paper resources.