This hospital is best known all over Pakistan for it's outstanding quality service.
Weather it is dental treatment, treatment for illness, medical emergencies, treatment for accidents or medical advice, this hospital's excellent quality facilities attract those who can afford to pay for such expensive services.
And due to it's popularity, it is filled daily with patients. But it's parking services are free. Everyday the dozens of vehicles of medical students, employees and patients fill these parking lots.
Imagine how much money could be raised each day if patients were charged a small fee of ten rupees per vehicle for parking.
Students and employees could be charged half the fees for the parking since the hospital is their place of work/study.
This money generated each day could be used to finance government hospitals that offer free but poor quality medical services to the poor population of Pakistan.
With better financing these hospitals can improve their facilities and services, giving the poor access to better quality medical care.
It's not necessary the money charged from parking services at Agha Khan be used or only used for improving low-quality government hospitals.
The money could also be used to support environmental organizations, building public infrastructure.
Anything that will benefit Pakistan can be financed with these kind of small charges that build up, since hospitals like Agha Khan receive dozens of parking a day.
I also believe small and achievable ideas like these should be put to full use.
These kind of small ideas bring actions along with suggestions which is sadly, not the case in Pakistan, where our newspapers and media are hit with ideas and suggestions, but no action or even strategies on how to achieve them.
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