Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Adopting a pet from an animal shelter instead of a pet shop

I understand that not all cities or countries have animal shelter programs, but for those countries that do, people should adopt pets from there instead of buying them at a pet store.

Animal shelters are voluntary programs and rely on donations from various sources in order to support abandoned/uncared animals. Pet shops on the other hand keep animals from controlled breeding and profit from selling animals. Pet shops do not rescue abandoned animals either. They just sell animals born into their care.

Animal shelter organizations on the other hand are voluntary and usually don't charge for giving pets for adoption since animal care is their obvious goal. Some shelter organization may charge to be able to get funds for supporting their work, but other than that they are non for profit.

By adopting a pet from an animal's shelter, you can make a difference by reducing their workload. The longer an animal stays in a shelter, the more the shelter will have to pay for food and care, including medical care. The more animals adopted from a shelter, the less the workload there is on an organization and more resources saved.

By adopting from a shelter, you will be helping support such organizations instead of buying from corporate pet shops. So whenever readers are considering adopting a pet, remember to turn to an animal shelter instead of a pet store. This way you'll be supporting animal care a great deal.

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