Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dumping organic waste into sand correctly

I unfortunately can't link or create any images to demonstrate this green idea so I'll try and word it as best as possible.

In the part of North America where I live, we have separate bins in household for waste that comes from living things. Weather it is food that no one wishes to eat or waste from food such as apple skins, banana peels or any other waste from food.

This organic waste goes to farms and is recycled to grow crops. This is obviously not possible in most other countries. But instead of throwing organic waste with regular garbage which attracts germs and can be a health hazard when dumped into the environment, it can be thrown into plain sand.

But one has to also be careful that it is not in a populated area where it will be a health hazard and removed from there or birds and other animals might take it away. Therefor it should be thrown in an unpopulated sandy area where it will decompose.
Items like apples, banana peels, corn covers and just about any natural food item can be thrown into the sand where it will dissolve. Processed food such as packaged chips or ice lollies (known as "popsicles" in North America) should not be thrown.

Any sandy areas such as a desert or beaches on sea/lake shores is good enough to dump the organic waste provided there are no people and/or animals who may remove them.

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